Monday, July 2, 2012


Have you ever been in a room and a generator is on inside the same room and you're just longing for some fresh air? That feeling you get when u step out of that place and you're able to breathe in some fresh air.That is exactly what we want to give you in this blog.
our world is filled with different music genres that are choking life out of human beings daily and believers are somewhat stuck in room with poisonous music fumes and they're looking around to alternatives. something refreshing, inspiring, safely entertaining and constantly fresh. This is what this blog wants to do. introduce believers to different artists and fresh songs with variety of genre so that we can proudly pump up some Jesus music. songs that have good quality world class production and edifying lyrics.

My story 
I used to have problems getting good music when I first started developing relationship with God. I loved music and I will feel most of the concepts and contents promoted by the artists I used to listen to before then wer nt edifying but the artists that wer edifyin then wer boring to me. Their contents wer good but i didnt enjoy the genre. So I prayerfully discussed my condition with God as I was constantly being drawn by nice tunes to impure songs. I then embarked on a search and kept stumbling on artists and now, i av a great collection of rock, pop, hip hop, r n b and the normal worship and praise songs that are super tight, good lyrics, standard production and I want to share with people who have the same need as I had 8yrs ago.

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